Monday, October 6, 2008

1st shots today

Well, today Hurley is 8 weeks old and my baby got his 1st series of immunizations. It was so sad when they stuck his chubby little legs. I've never heard him cry the way he did but thankfully we were able to calm him down pretty quick. Thank goodness for binkies. It took me a little longer to settle down lol. The doctor said that he seems to be doing great. He's in the 25th percentile for his height, weight and head circumfrance which means he's a little below average but he's growin. He weighs 10 lbs 13 oz and is 22 in long. We bought him a little bouncy chair this weekend too and he loves it. He's getting more and more observant everyday. He's also cooing a lot more too. Well, I gotta baby in pain that I gotta get to.

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