Monday, October 27, 2008

Hurley is now 11 weeks old! I keep saying it but it's because I still can't believe how fast time goes by. I wanted to post a blog every week but I don't know where my time goes. Well, our little guy has now figured out how to coo and throw a small tantrum (naughty!). Just this weekend he is trying to figure out what is hands are. He watches em as he plays and rolls em right in front of his face :) He also smiles intentionally now. No matter how bad my day is, as soon as he wakes up and sees me, I get a HUGE smile and everything is right in the world again. He made his Great Grandma Raulston very happy Saturday when he smiled and smiled as she talked to him! Hurley has now officially met all of his great grandparents. He smiled and cooed at his Great Grandma Hansen when we went to see them yesterday. He also had the BIGGEST blowout since we've had him while we were there yesterday. It was so bad that we had to come home and take a bath. It was EVERYWHERE! You would've thought that he had no diaper on. As messy as it was, he thought that it was funny. He had the biggest grin the entire time I was cleaning him up - I guess I would've felt better too.
We are all ready for Halloween this week. Hurley is gonna be a fish, momma a gypsy and we don't know about Dad. This past Friday was the daycare halloween party and we shaved dad's head into the old man toilet bowl. It was hillarious and everyone got a kick out of it (I'll be posting pics later). We didn't want to keep the haircut until Halloween so we're not sure what he's going to be (it was suppose to be a fisherman but there's a problem with the fishing waders).
Sunday is Hurley's baby blessing. We had to wait a while because we were waiting for Hurley's Uncle Mike R. to come home from Iraq and Great Grandma and Grandpa to be in town. Then it was waiting to meet with the bishop. Now that everyone is here and we've met with the bishop, it's on! We're having Navajo Taco's afterwards mmmmmm... everyone's favorite! So we're excited for everything Sunday!
So no plans other than that. I can't believe Saturday is November!!! Baby's first Thanksgiving and Christmas! I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS and it's gonna be even more fun with Hurley! Don't know what else to write for this week but hope to write next week!

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