Wednesday, November 5, 2008

now or never

(i typed this up yesterday but my internet froze so here it is):
So I wanted to wait until I got pics from Tahna & Gia before I posted this blog but I know that if I don't do it now, I probably won't for another week or two :)

Well, Friday of course was Halloween and our little man was a "chish (fish)." He was a HUGE hit with all the neighbors and trick-or-treaters. We thought he was pretty cute. He fell asleep while I was holding him walking around showing him off. Aunt Abbie noticed and so I handed him to buzz to hold him so that I could get the pic. SO cute..... at least I thought so!

Sunday was a day I have been waiting SOOO long for! My baby boy was finally given his baby blessing by his daddy! As soon as they announced that it was time, I cried and cried and cried. Not from being sad, but because I was so overwhelmed with joy that I couldn't contain myself. We had ALOT of family and friends to share the day with us and I wish that there was a way to show them exactly how much it meant to us! Mom and I spent a good chunk of the day Saturday making his little Navajo traditiaonl outfit. It turned out better than I could have expected! Thanks to Gia for getting all of his "accessories!" It made the whole outfit complete.

Other things that happened this past week..... Hurley is still infactuated with his hands! He's also talking ALOT more! He loves his little toy that hangs down from his carseat - and I mean HE LOVES IT!!! He starts talking to it immediately after we put him in his seat and doesn't stop until he falls asleep. I could listen to him coo for days. He knows that he has a tounge now. He plays with it by sticking it out and trying to curl it. Hurley also had his first tear last night. A coworker of mine had her baby yesterday so we went to see her at the hospital. Hurley cried all the way home. I felt so bad cuz there was nothing I could do. The bink only helped for a few seconds here and there and by the time we got home I was so frazzled! He had never done that before and I didn't know what to do. Anyways, when I got him out of his seat I gave him a big hug and started talking to him. He calmed down in a second and he gave me a huge smile and then one little tear rolled out of his left eye :( He was a little fussy for the rest of the evening but we made it through - lol.

Well, it's late and this is probably getting boring - I ramble too much :)

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