Sunday, November 23, 2008


***This post has been sitting in my edit box for days!!! I wanted to put a cute slide show to it and everything but haven't had the time so I'm just gonna post it***
So alot has happned since I last wrote. My baby has officially laughed! Buzz was makin dinner one night and Hurley started getting fussy on the couch so I picked him up and started playin with him. I would nibble on his neck and he thought that it was the funniest thing. Talk about a natural high! This little guy has brought so many smiles to so many people already - we are TRUELY blessed!!!
Other things that have happened? I've just had the best birthday of my life! My sister's took me to see New Kids on the Block last weekend. It was a HUGE surprise and I was clueless! Saturday buzz worked and called me on his way home and asked me if I wanted to go out. I thought, well yeah I guess. He said "good cuz I have movie passes to Jordon Commons and my mom said she'll watch Hurley. Get ready and pack the diaper bag. So i did. Around 5:00 I asked him if he was ready to go and he says "yeah I just gotta put another shirt on." Just then my doorbell rang and he yells "come in!" I'm thinking "who is he telling to come in?" So I open the door and there were my sisters. They took me to Johns truck and I got in and this "happy birthday" song by NKOTB came on and I thought NO WAY! But it was definitley "yes way lol. Come to find out everyone pitched in to buy me a ticket and Buzz took Hurley to SL to spend some time with his mom so I had no worries.
So HOLY CRAP!!! WE ARE GOING TO NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!! At the concert we thought that we had some pretty kick ass seats on row 33 and about half way through the concert we turned around and there was a round rotating stage that NKOTB popped up on 2 rows behind us!!!! AAAAHHHHHH! We went CRAZY!!! I had a really scratchy voice the 2 days before but the concert totally did me in. There was no voice by the time we left the E center and I still had no voice by Monday. But oh so worth it!!! So to my coolest sisters ever: I FREAKIN LOVE YOU-well and Danny Wood too lol!!! And thanks baby for taking care of our son. I was worry free which made it even better!

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