Sunday, January 18, 2009

Interesting weekend

Hurley's first time being officially babysat was this weekend. Buzz and I decided to go to a movie by ourselves this weekend with out our little fart. We dropped Hurley off to Auntie Gia and Tim around 1 and off we went. Not a real fancy date or anything but we grabbed a bite to eat at Gandolfos (the night buzz kissed me was on our 3rd date and we ate at Gandolfo's so it's kinda special to us) and went to the mall to watch "Defiance." It was the weirdest feeling when we left the movie theater because the 2 of us weren't just going straight home. It didn't feel normal to be just the 2 of us anymore. It felt so different knowing that we had to go pick up Hurley and then go home. Funny how something as little as leaving the movie theather can make you realize that life is so much more different with a baby. I LOVE IT! Anyways, that's not what made the weekend interesting. I had been waiting for Hurley to have a dirty diaper on friday and he never did. So Saturday morning we got ready for the day and I thought that for sure something would happen. It didn't. But we decided to go out anyways knowing whether we stayed home or not wasn't going to affect whether Hurley would poop or not. He had been acting weird all morning before we took him to Gia and Tim's and we thought that it was because he had a tummy ache from not pooping for a day and a half. We got home after picking Hurley up and he felt kinda warm but I thought it was just from being bundled up in his car seat. After a few minutes I thought that he would've cooled off so I asked Buzz to feel his head and he didn't think he was too warm. I had to do something in the kitchen so I asked Buzz to hold him and once he had Hurley in his arms, he noticed that he really was warm. So we took his temp and he topped out at 101.5 We got out the tylenol and before we went to bed his fever had dropped to a little over 100. Well, he woke me up this morning at 5 crying and when I picked him up, his onesie was sopping wet and he was burning up! His temp was 102.3 I called the Dr. and she said to rotate Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hrs and to keep and eye on him. She also wanted us to give him pedialyte. So Buzz bein the good daddy that he is trecked over to wal mart to buy some motrin and Pedialyte. His fever has gone down and he seems to be doing better but I can tell he doesn't feel good. Hopefully by tomorrow whatever bug he has caught is long gone. So Hurley had his first official fever!
Hurley has also learned to take a bottle. I went for a pedicure last Saturday and Hurley stayed with Buzz but when it came time to eat Hurley refused his bottle! He went hungry for an hour before I was able to get home and feed him. When I walked in the door he was sitting on Buzz's lap totally fine but the second we made eye contact he started crying. I think he was mad at me. So I decided that I would start giving him a bottle for at least one feeding a day at work. We went to the store before the weekend was up and bought him some different bottles with different nipples that were similar in shape to his binkie. Come Monday, he took his bottle within just a couple minutes. THANK GOODNESS! He'll even take it for me (which I hear is uncommon). I'm just glad we found a bottle that he'll take. Now he can stay with Dad whenever and he won't force himself to go hungry.
Other than that, not a whole lot went on this week. Work was awful but when working with women 24/7 there are bound to be some bad days. I don't have very many female friends b/c women are vicious and I'll leave it at that.
Not sure what else to write about so goodnight!


The Perkins Fam said...

Oh, how I wish I had handled Liv's first fever so calmly. I think we wanted to take her to the hospital ( I guess you already know we are kind of paranoid!!). I hope he is feeling better. Oh, and if you are wondering why I never change my blog, it's because "Getting to know the Perkins' is our adoption site we are working on. The blog we update regularly is the "Perkins Point" one :)

Suz said...

Hurley ,is getting so big. I sure all the huors at daycare have prepared you for most illnesses.
Good luck.
Always thinking of your whole family.