Sunday, February 8, 2009

Long time no blog

(this post has been sitting in my edit box for over a month. I'm so pathetic but it's takin me that long to get my pictures uploaded onto the computer)
I know it's been a while. Time flies when your having fun right!
Well our little man has defeated the task of learning to sit up. Buzz and I have been working with him quite a bit since December to try and teach him this new milestone in his life. We were sitting in the living room watching TV last Sunday and I sat Hurley between my legs like I have been so that if he fell one way he'd hit one leg and if he fell the other way, he'd hit the other leg (kinda like bumpers). After a minute or two he didn't bump either leg so after about 5 minutes, I moved my legs and he sat there for over half and hour! YAY! He continued to do that for the rest of the day and he hasn't gone back! What an accomplishment for him! We're so proud of him. He looks so little sitting there playing with his toys. Our friend Rachael said he looks like a little midget lol. He seems happier now that he doesn't just have to lay down all the time to play - not that he was a grump before but you know what I mean.

We've also been to the Dr. again. Our primary care physician actually had her baby Jan 21st. Her little girl weighed the same as Hurley and she was an inch shorter. We LOVE our Dr. and are so happy for her. Anyways, we ended up seeing the Nurse Practicioner (she's seein our Dr.s patients while she's on maternity leave) because I thought Hurley had an ear infection. Last weekend he would wake up screaming out of nowhere and I thought that maybe he was just teething. He also had the little low grade fever so I didn't think much of it until we noticed him start pulling at his ears. So off to the Dr we went. Turns out that teething pain can be refered to their ears. I was glad he wasn't sick but I did feel kinda dumb. Oh well. Better safe than sorry and at least we'll use the insurance :)
Hurley also had his first haircut yesterday!

That was an experience. Poor kid. He did awesome at first when my friend Cassie started trimmin the top with the scissors but once those clippers came on he was pissed!

I had to hold him and force his head against my chest so she could trim the one side then we switched sides and did the other. I thought that he would eventually get used to it and calm down but he never did. He only seemed to get more mad. But it's all said and done now and he looks as cute as ever! Hopefully it'll finally start to grow everywhere and not just on top.
Oh, Buzz starts work in Vernal again this week. He's been out of work for about 3 weeks now and as sad as I am that he's going out of town I can't wait for him to get back to work. Stupid bills pile up fast. So wish him luck in the freezing cold!
Other than that I can't think of anything else too exciting that we have done... so for now - peace out!

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